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Visualization and Simulation


The MathWorks, Inc.

Company Name: The MathWorks, Inc.24 Prime Park WayNatick MA 01760Telephone: (508) 653-1415Fax Number: (508) 653-2997E-mail ID: info@mathworks.comGeographic Availability: WorldwidePricing: Please call for moreinformation.Quantity and educational discounts available.Product Name: MATLAB(R) 4.2Product Description:MATLAB is a high-performance, interactive numeric computation andvisualization environment that combines the advantages of hundreds ofpackaged advanced math and graphics functions, with a high-levellanguage. Because the flexible MATLAB language is matrix-oriented, it isthe natural language for technical problem solving, allowing you tocustomize and extend MATLAB, and add new functions as needed. MATLABprovides functions for numeric analysis, full and sparse matrixcomputation, signal processing, 2-D and 3-D graphics and more, thusminimizing the requirement for traditional programming. MATLABapplication toolboxes extend the power of MATLAB by providing users withleading-edge algorithms and functions developed by renowned experts insuch fields as digital signal processing, control system design, neuralnetworks, system identification, dynamic system simulation, imageprocessing, optimization, and other application areas.The new MATLAB 4.2 for Windows provides DDE support and the MATLABNotebook Suite, including a MS-Word front-end for creating live,technical MATLAB documents.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: MATLAB
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

The MathWorks, Inc.
24 Prime Park Wy
Natick, MA 01760
Phone: (508) 653-1415
Fax: (508) 653-2997